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St. Lucian recipes food in St. Lucia greenfig and saltfish lunch caribbean recipes
St. Lucian recipes food in St. Lucia  caribbean recipes
St. Lucian recipes food in St. Lucia  caribbean recipes

​​​​​​​​​​​The Festivals

Jounen Kweyol


This is a Saint Lucian festival held on the last Sunday in October each year.  Its a celebraion of our creole cuture and food.

On this Sunday designated communities on the island put on activities and offer local dishes such as greenfig and saltfish, souse, bakes and cocoa tea, floats, paime and bouillon to name a few.

Leading up to the festival commercial houses and schools celebrate by decorating business places, having staff and students dressed up in various forms of the national dress  and offering creole food.

Food and Rum Festival


A festival held over a four day period which attracts some of the best chefs, mixologists and food critics from St. Lucia, the Caribbean and beyond.

The aim of the festival is to highlight the diversity and excellence of Caribbean food and Caribbean rum.

Fish & Seafood Festival

Offering and celebrating a variety of local fish and seafood dishes, this festival is held on Independance day (22nd February) annually.  It takes place at the grounds of the fisheries complex in Castries. 



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Authentic Saint Lucian Recipes

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